Preconceived Notions

I was discussing charitable donations and what prevents the average person from donating.

On the surface, the biggest issue was in the approach; unsolicited requests don’t often convert.  

But as the conversation went deeper, a stronger hindrance became apparent. 

Preconceived notions. 

An assumptions that most charities use donations for administration rather than mission. A fear that one’s own donation would be misspent. 

How often do we think about the preconceived notions that could be holding us back, or hindering our own work? 

These are your target customers’ biases, or your colleagues’ assumptions. 

Preconceived notions can be dangerous for two reasons. Because one, they are mostly invisible, and two, they are usually deeply ingrained. 

In the charitable giving example, one way to challenge preconceived notions of administrative waste was to tie fundraising to specific initiatives. Your donation will do X. 

What kind of previously held assumptions are holding you or your business back? And how can you counteract those assumptions?


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